Thursday, May 8, 2014

DVD/Blu-Ray Watching Project...

A short while ago I realized that Chelsea and I have a lot of movies and TV shows on DVD and Blu-Ray. Not the most stunning revelation, but at the same time I realized that we had a lot of shows that I've never seen.

I've decided to watch them all. Even the ones I've seen before. Not only am I going to watch them all, I'm going to rate them based on my emotional resonance with the TV episode or the movie.

What are my ratings? They're on a scale of 1 to 5, five being the highest rating.

1 means that I do not like the show at all. It does not resonate with me in the slightest. 

2 means that I have a minimally connection with the show. Maybe there are a couple lines I like, or an actor I really admire.

3 is an average show. This may be a show I feel a lot of nostalgia for, even if it isn't the best-written show ever imagined. This will be a show I don't dislike, but one for which I don't feel any particular like.

4 is a great show. A particularly strong episode, a fantastic movie. An episode or a movie I'll watch again for sure.

5 is a show that moves me. If I start crying, it most likely deserves a 5. These are the shows I come back to time after time.

So what have I decided to start with? The original Transformers animated series. 

I'll probably post updates from time to time. I don't imagine the middle scores will warrant an update. The updates will be those shows I love or hate. 

It'll be an extensive project. I'm looking forward to it.

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