Thursday, May 8, 2014

DVD/Blu-Ray Watching Project...

A short while ago I realized that Chelsea and I have a lot of movies and TV shows on DVD and Blu-Ray. Not the most stunning revelation, but at the same time I realized that we had a lot of shows that I've never seen.

I've decided to watch them all. Even the ones I've seen before. Not only am I going to watch them all, I'm going to rate them based on my emotional resonance with the TV episode or the movie.

What are my ratings? They're on a scale of 1 to 5, five being the highest rating.

1 means that I do not like the show at all. It does not resonate with me in the slightest. 

2 means that I have a minimally connection with the show. Maybe there are a couple lines I like, or an actor I really admire.

3 is an average show. This may be a show I feel a lot of nostalgia for, even if it isn't the best-written show ever imagined. This will be a show I don't dislike, but one for which I don't feel any particular like.

4 is a great show. A particularly strong episode, a fantastic movie. An episode or a movie I'll watch again for sure.

5 is a show that moves me. If I start crying, it most likely deserves a 5. These are the shows I come back to time after time.

So what have I decided to start with? The original Transformers animated series. 

I'll probably post updates from time to time. I don't imagine the middle scores will warrant an update. The updates will be those shows I love or hate. 

It'll be an extensive project. I'm looking forward to it.

Monday, May 5, 2014


Last post I explained a little about Magic: the Gathering. It's a complex game and I enjoy playing quite a bit. Playing Magic is how I am able to be social.

My favorite Magic format is the draft. In a draft, every player opens three packs of 15 randomly sorted cards, one pack at a time. Each player will then select one card and pass the pack to the next player. First pack is passed to the left, second pack to the right, third pack to the left again. Each player then constructs a deck out of the cards he selected and adds an appropriate number of lands to support the selected cards.

It's fun because each player is on equal footing, the deciding factors being how well you draft and how well you play.

As far as skill goes I fall in about the middle of the pack within the local group of players. For example, while I construct good decks and draft well, I rarely do better than win 50% of my matches. And that's ok. I don't play Magic to experience the thrill of winning. I don't have that killer instinct. I play because I enjoy playing. I like talking to my opponent (most of the time) and I enjoy the atmosphere.

Saturday I won. Every round. I managed to beat a player I have never defeated before. Each round is the best two out of three games. Saturday I didn't lose a single game.

It felt good. 

It felt really good.

Don't think I'm going to become one of those guys that has to win to have fun. I'm still going to play because I enjoy playing, but it felt very nice to finally win.